Delamere Forest - January 2018

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The weekend we decided to go to Delamere forest was a wet one, it had been raining for about a week straight and even snowing the day before when we headed off to the Long Mynd. Due to this, and the snowy conditions on the Long Mynd we decided a low-level forest walk would be appreciated, we had been to Cannock chase which is a very similar place to Delamere but never to here before. Parking was easy and there was a café on site so when we got here we found a route and headed off out. 

We started off down a wide track that eventually passed over a train line, this was beautiful as the snow had settled all around and made the views even better. Eventually we veered off into the woods and followed a great route through the forest, it was really easy to follow through the forest and we passed through a number of small dark black pools, which we later found to be moss land that was protected.  

Further down the trail we caught a glimpse of blakemere moss, and as the route continued this grew bigger and bigger until we saw the fantastic lake along with some great views across and something we had not seen before in the mossy areas and the edge of the lake. Upon further investigation we found that these areas are currently under a project to protect the peatland and mossy grounds. Eventually we followed the lake for around a quarter of its track and then headed back off into the woods.  

Through the next bit of woodland, we found a number of climbing places for the onsite "go ape" trail, although this wasn’t in use it seemed a great idea for families. Eventually after heading through the forest we found ourselves back at the café for a nice warm brew to dry out before heading off. 

The whole walk only took around an hour and a half, but there is much to explore, and in better weather you could easily spend double this checking out all manner of routes. 

The 3D Mapped route of our Delamere Forest walk. A nice low level stroll around some of the lakes in Delamere Forest. Mapping software is property of the Ordnance Survey