Our Bookshelf
Here is a collection of books that have entertained us on our journeys, inspired us to travel and get out or are just good "outdoorsy" books.
This does not include the growing collection of OS maps that sit on our bookshelf!
Cover to cover
Each book selected here has been read cover to cover by at least one of us, if not both. We recommend them to anyone who likes to get out and have an adventure. Check back here as this grows.
"Not all those who wander are lost"
Wainwright Pictorial Guides To The Lakeland Fells
The books that many people (us included) have fallen in love with. Each fell described in his own unique way makes this collection something very special. Anyone visiting the Lake District with any amount of interest in the mountans should pick these up at the earliest chance.
Walking the Wainwrights: With Stuart Marshall
Want to take in as many wainwright fells as possible on one walk? This is the book for you, thirty-six walks in all cover every wainwright fell all in circular routes. Even if you don't want to complete them exactly the same as Stuart, you can easily section some of these into two.